Monday, December 3, 2012

beginning of the month planning

The first of the month is always a joyous time for me. Why for? you ask? Well because you get to fill out your new calendar of course!! That is basically a holiday!! And we're not talking just one calendar here people, this is a serious process.

First you need to update your family or wall calendar. If that's all you have then this is the only step for you. This calendar is color coordinated with my favorite paper mate flair fine tip markers :) One part-time job is blue, the other is red. All school (full time job) things are in purple. Things that are just mine are pink, and things we do together are in orange. Drew doesn't have anything on this calendar, but he would have his own color if he did.

Next is the calendar in my home management binder. I am the only one to see this one, so I did not take the time to color coordinate it. Although, I probably should have. For next year, when I pay bills I will scribble something on this calendar too...just to keep myself on track with this once a month paycheck nonsense. I previously had two different calendars going and even for me that seems I am going to combine them.

This particular calendar was a freebie from anything but perfect.

Next.... (some of you non-calendar freaks are starting to think I may have lost it-you could be right) is the calendar in your planner that you carry with you... Because I am not the only one who does that right?? A lot of this information is also on the weekly pages.  But clearly it needs to be in both places...or does it? The same color coordinating system is carried over to this calendar. To save space I just listed the hours and not the name of the job. It's my planner, I know what they mean.

Next comes my workout calendar. This is more to keep myself accountable rather than for actual planning purposes. I have stickers that in theory I should be putting on each day. One is for drinking at least 3 bottles of water a day. I know I should be drinking more than that for optimum weight loss, but three is doing good for me right now and once I can continually meet my goal of three I will increase to 3 1/2, then 4, and so on.  My other sticker is for working out. Whether is cardio or weights or just walking the bf's brother's three legged dog. Don't let the fact that he has three legs mislead you...he is blissfully unaware that three legged dogs are not the norm and runs, plays fetch, and jumps fences like a  champ :)

here he is now :) love the super old pic???

update:   I also have a menu planning calendar that I didn't get a picture of. Here is my December menu planner. It looks the same as my workout calendar, it just has a supper menu rather than a workout time. Since I eat dinner (supper) alone most nights I try to plan so that I can have leftovers for both of us for lunch the next day. I don't make anything too crazy ever and have something even simpler on nights when I work until 7pm. I left a few days around Christmas blank to allow for plans with family. I don't make a menu plan that must be followed precisely. It's more for me to have an idea of what I'm doing so  I don't come home to nothing defrosted or set out and end up eating frozen pizza or something equally as bad. Also, the menu plan is color coded as well. I might seriously need help. But I'm fine with it. I made the meal and its leftovers so at a quick glance I can tell if I need to think about what I will be brining to school for lunch.

update: I forgot an entire calendar! My desk calendar at school! I'll admit there's not a lot on there since I have only been in this position for a very short time. But there are a few days marked when students have told me ahead of time that they will be gone. So its valid, it counts.

Oh, and also we have already passed the time of the year when I need to start carrying two planners, this year's and next year's. Clearly I need to be able to plan ahead. Yeah, I'm a freak, I'm okay with it.

Any other calendar/planning freaks out there?? Share your planning methods with us!

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