Monday, November 12, 2012

fifteen minutes of {organizing} {clean out your purse}

My purse had reached the point where you basically needed a haz-mat suit to go anywhere near it. It was horrible! Completely out of control. I mean, disaster, seriously.
I failed to take a before picture of the inside of my purse, but I did just tip it over and dump everything into a pile on the floor. Which looked like this:

Oh my. I seriously don't know how that all resided in my purse at the same time. Disgusting! It's embarrassing to even show!

I even labeled all the "crap" to help you take in the extent of this disaster. Just ignore the paper cutter and remote, those weren't in my purse. I may have just gotten distracted while I was working on something else and decided that my purses needed to be cleaned out, right now.
I sorted through all of my junk, and made a pile of the things that actually belonged in my purse, garbage, and good things that did not belong in my purse. That only took a few minutes. Then I ended up with this:
side one

There's still a lot of stuff in there. But my constant running lifestyle doesn't leave me with a whole lot of other options other than stuffing my purse full. Carrying twelve different bags for each different thing during the day just isn't gonna cut it for me.

side two

labeled top to bottom/left to right

So take 15 minutes today and clean out your purse too. Hopefully yours is cleaner than mine to begin with! Leave us a link to your purse cleaning post!

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