Tuesday, May 22, 2012

tuesday teacher tip

The daily five. It's an awesome resource, courtesy of the sisters {Joan Moser and Gail Boushey}
I used the daily five in my first grade student teaching and I absolutely loved it. So of course, now I must make it cute as well as functional.
So I made these cards to organize the students' daily five choices- I think I will use them in a pocket chart. I haven't decided if I will use students' names or their numbers to organize them. Numbers can be reused each year, while names give them ownership.
Check out either of the sister's websites:
There is even a link to purchase the books if you don't already own one.
If you can use these in your classroom, download your free copy here. We would love for you to leave a comment or become a follower if you download.
What other great daily five resources are out there? I've been doing some pinning, but I'm sure there are more!

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