Friday, January 18, 2013

Friday Five

Hi, here we are together again! It's been forever since we have shared a Friday Five post. And so here it is:

1. Shannon successfully added new social media link buttons to the blog. A big deal for the blog and technology challenged! Plus, they sparkle- doesn't get much better than that!

2.  Shannon is working on another home management binder theme, for a gift for a friend which will later be added to our etsy shop. (she might have gone a little crazy with the mass production of new themes...)

3. Carter (Niki's oldest son) had his first wrestling meet and really enjoyed it. Isn't he just the cutest little wrestler?? (he's on the far right)

4.  Niki got a full time job as a one-on-one instructional assistant. She's finally feeling healthy and ready to take on family and work! 

5. Niki has her shiny new planner up and running! woo-hoo! She is getting her "ducks caged and life in order". It's still a work in progress, but starting to feel more in control.
For those of you who don't under the stand the "duck caged" reference....we tend to the the "get your ducks in a row" figure of speech a little far. Sometimes our ducks are in another country, sometimes they are flying backwards, and other times they are just scattered around the house. Our ducks are very rarely in a nice polite row :)

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend. We'll be back next week with hopefully with another full week of posts!

1 comment:

  1. I can't seem to get the big "f" sparkly circle to actually work -- the "P"s work though!
